The business of home inspection has changed over the years, but two things that haven’t are our home inspectors, Vince Kotlarz and Michael Roumbakis. Few can claim to have the successful years in business as this duo.
Meet Our Team
Meet Our Team
The company started in 2002 and Michael and Vince have been working together since 2004. Let us tell you why we enjoy our work and why we will always work hard for you.

Vince Kotlarz
In the 1980s and 90s I worked for several large corporations as an engineer where I put my energy into helping those businesses and their customers be successful. When the new millennium began, I realized something was missing, and I needed to focus my energy on doing something I truly loved.
After purchasing a home and getting a less than satisfying inspection report (a one-page pre filled form with boxes checked off) this experience stuck with me and inspired the idea of creating a home buying service with REAL value. I wanted to be an advocate for my clients during a home sale. Since then, Ive dedicated my attention to creating a home inspection process that is streamlined to provide essential information in the most timely and accurate way.
Michael Roumbakis
For over 20 years I worked as a contractor on residential homes. In 2004 I decided to put that experience to use helping people as a Home Inspector. It was a great decision because I truly enjoy meeting with our clients, going over the property they’ve picked out and being their sounding board. It’s also about training, so many of my clients just want to know more about the home they’re getting. Many systems being installed in homes today are sophisticated and can be intimidating. It’s very rewarding when I get to spend time answering their questions and helping them understand what’s needed to operate and maintain these systems properly. I look forward to meeting new people and past clients every day!
More About Us
Since forming the Massachusetts home inspection business Assurance Home Inspection LLC, we’ve seen a lot of changes in the industry, and recognize we’ve played a crucial role in this evolution. The home inspection we provide our clients give them the critical information needed to make their buying decision and/or negotiation efforts. It’s a fact many of our competitors have changed their practices based on the examples we’ve set. We believe their imitation is the highest form of compliment, and also take satisfaction knowing there are now many other companies that can provide better service for the home buyers of Massachusetts. Just know we are always looking for the best products and services. We will only implement those tools that produce valuable results. Be careful of companies that boast gadgets that waste time and provide little or no value and really just part of a home inspection “show”.